Vermont Legal Community Raised $6,845 for Food Drive

10/04/2021 2:29 PM | Deleted user

Click HERE for press release from Attorney General Donovan

"The Vermont legal community together raised $6,845.00, which will supply more than 11,431 meals for Vermonters.  All funds donated went directly to the important work of the Vermont Foodbank. Food and other items donated were brought to local food shelves or meal sites partnered with the Vermont Foodbank. In the five-year history of the food drive, the Vermont legal community has raised more than $50,000 and collected over 11,000 food items.

Lucia White, CP, Pro Bono Chair of the Vermont Paralegal Organization expressed VPO’s gratitude for the opportunity to participate in helping alleviate hunger in Vermont. “The timing of this year’s food drive allowed participants to donate food items at our CLE Conference. Paralegals eagerly filled up bags to help other Vermonters.”"

- highlight from press release

THANK YOU for all your support!